September 8th (....hmmm).
Lewis College Campus Education Business Hall (EBH) room 110 from 7pm-9pm. In the Words of Mighty THUNDER, “be there or be Lame!”
Thurs. September 11th First Fall Season Practice from 5pm-7pm
at Folsom Park.
Sat. September 13th Rugby Chix Car Wash Durango
Fire Station 10am-4pm.ish.
Fri.-Sun. October
3rd-5th- 28
yrs. in 10 positions in Flagstaff, AZ. We need a Theme,
start thinkin ladies. NOTE: The drive is long.
October 11th
Rugby Expo pending the availability of a pitch (aka field),
a Home training sesh with the coaches of the Atomic Sisters from ABQ NM (http://www.atomicsisters.com/ ) , and possible guests from Los Alamos.
Los Alamos is a developing High School side of Ladies pioneering
for the High School Rugby Scene. We will do drills & probably do a couple
scrimmages, allowing the community to become acquainted with the Rugby
community. This is a great opportunity to reintroduce Durango
to the awesomeness of the Fallen Angels.
October (17th?)18th-19th
High Desert
Rugby Classic in ABQ, NM. For Registration and basic team info scope: https://members.tripod.com/~AbqRugby/highdirt.html
· (Fri?) Sat.-Sun. November 1st-2nd Fallen Angels vs. Atomic Sisters- the match may become a round robin & will be held at St. Pius High School - 5301
Saint Josephs Dr NW.
· Fri.-Sun. December 5th-7th 17th annual Wild West Rugby Fest 15's Tournament in Scottsdale, AZ.
WE ARE ALREADY REGISTERED and this year will be the largest it has ever been!
After the Wild West
Tourney, practices will be suspended until January for Winter break.
December 13th
Fallen Angels Raffle Fundraiser
Location TBA.